
の選択に関する12の専門家の提案更新:2/4/22 | 2022年2月4日










覚えておいてください、それは安いことではありません – それは価値を得ることです!








これの裏側では、柔軟なチェックインを持つホステルが好きです。午後2時までにチェックインすることはできませんが、「OK、ベッドの準備ができています。今来て!」 (もっと多くのホステルがそれをしたいと思います。)



私は長いシャワーを浴びていません – そしてあなたもそうすべきではないと思います – 水を節約することは不可欠ですが、男、プッシュボタンシャワーは迷惑です!









7.バーBars are not a deal-breaker, and there are a lot of fantastic hostels without them, but they make for a great place to socialize with other hostel guests. Usually, if a hostel has a bar, they put a strong emphasis on making sure the people staying there are having fun, interacting, and being festive.

If they don’t have a bar, make sure they host activities and events to get people together. Hostels are about a social atmosphere. If you want a place where no one interacts, stay at a hotel!

8. common area

If the hostel doesn’t have a bar, it ought to have a big common area (ideally it has both). the best hostels are the ones that give travelers a place to hang out and socialize with each other. common areas facilitate interaction and help solo travelers have an simpler time meeting people. the best hostels I’ve ever stayed at always had an amazing common area.

Keep an eye out for common rooms with board games, video games, a TV/movies/Netflix, instruments, and pool tables. Anything that can bring people together and help break the ice!

9. organized activities

Really good hostels also organize activities such as walking tours, yoga classes, bar crawls, BBQs, or anything else that gets people together. check out what is provided before you book to make sure it’s the kind of place for you. Additionally, make sure you know what activities are totally free and what are paid.

Also, do they have totally free equipment to use like bikes, snorkeling gear, surfboards, etc.? totally free equipment will save you money and make it simpler to hang out with other travelers.

10. well-informed staff

Employees make any business, and when I find the staff of hostels helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly, I like that place a lot better. A hostel is like a home, and you want the people there to welcome you like a long-lost family member. I never understood why hostels don’t recognize that being a hostel is not about being a cheap place to stay, it’s about creating a warm environment.

11. Location, location, location

Where a hostel is located will have a huge effect on your experience. If you have to spend an hour on public transportation just getting to and from your hostel each time you go into town, you’ll end up wasting a lot of your travel time. the best hostels are close to the action, so you can just step out your door and into an adventure. That, or the hostels are so remote that just staying there is an experience in and of itself. but just inconveniently on the outskirts of town? That’s just inconvenient.

Before you book, check out the address on Google Maps and see where it is in relation to the things you want to see and do. You didn’t travel around the world to spend your time commuting!

12. Is it for digital nomad or backpackers?

As much more and much more people shift to remote work, hostels have started to accommodate long-term travelers who work on their laptops. If you’re a remote worker, these hostels are great places to stay as they have fast Wi-Fi and make it easy to connect and network with other digital nomads. However, if you’re not working online while traveling, avoid these hostels. Instead, stay at a hostel that caters to travelers like you. It will be much much more pleasurable and you’ll have an simpler time meeting people.

A hostel doesn’t need to have every one of these things I listed, but it ought to have the majority of them. A hostel without the majority of these things doesn’t understand who its guests are or what they want. I get that a lot of different people come through hostels with a broad variety of needs. A hostel doesn’t need to be perfect. I’d like a clean kitchen, but it’s not a deal-breaker.

Dorm room doesn’t lock? That’s what a locker is for.

Hostel showers are always dirty, which is why I wear flip-flops in them. I’m not searching for a 5-star resort, just basic security, and comfort.

What makes hostels great are the people, and even the worst hostels will be great if you meet good people. but removing the people from the equation, I look for hostels that have some of the above qualities in them. Hostels that know what you want as a traveler are there to enhance your travel experience, not simply take money from you in exchange for a bed. I would rather stay at a place that is wanting to make sure I have a good time.

And to find these places? I read up! When I’m picking hostels, I look at user reviews, pictures, amenities, and star ratings on sites like Hostelworld.

See what your fellow travelers say.

The consensus is going to be pretty spot on.

Pick the hostel that the majority of travels agree is awesome. nine times out of ten you won’t be disappointed!


My new York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will instruct you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC call「予算旅行者の聖書」を編集しました。









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