5 LGBTQ travel suggestions FOR ASIA

Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | 2020年2月2日

In this guest post, Charlotte Hockin provides some insight into gay travel in Asia. She and her girlfriend, Natalie, have been traveling around the continent for the past two years. Here’s what they’ve discovered from traveling as a lesbian couple in Asia.

Asia is a vibrant, diverse, and exciting continent to visit. However, for LGBT travelers, it can in some cases seem like a daunting prospect. There are countries that criminalize homosexuality, deeply pious specifies and regions, and places that have negative social opinions of the LGBT community. It doesn’t exactly sound like all fun and rainbows, does it?

When my girlfriend and I set off on our Asian adventures two years ago, we had no idea what to expect but admittedly were rattled. Not only were we backpacking for the first time but we were traveling as a couple. Neither of us were really into social media at that point, so it practically felt like we were alone. The only lesbian couple to ever travel! seems silly, I know, but that’s how it felt.

Fast-forward two years, and we’ve spent the better part of that time traveling around Asia. and do you know what? Gay travel there has been one hell of a ride! I mean, we’ve experienced it all: we’ve went to gay-friendly destinations, went to illegal drag shows, stayed with local families, and on the rare occasion, been the victim of discrimination and hostility.

With this in mind, we have put together this extensive guide for LGBT travelers in Asia (excluding the Middle-East & Russia). We want to share our experiences as a same-sex couple in Asia, as well as set out all the elements that you ought to consider when planning your trip.

We believe that travel ought to be for everyone, and with our guidance, you can look forward to an amazing and, many importantly, safe journey of a lifetime.

Tip 1: research local legislations

When planning your trip, it’s essential to be aware of local legislations concerning the LGBT community in each country you want to visit. At the same time, I don’t want you to make the common mistake of obsessing about these laws. Or worse, letting the law avoid you from going to certain places.

Often, the legislations relating to acts of homosexuality are extremely complex. Some only apply to gay men, others imply the LGBT community are not secured from discrimination, and some countries execute sharia law. Governments do not expect tourists to get their head around this for the sake of a two-week trip. As a result, these legislations are typically only enforced for locals, not tourists.

Nevertheless, that’s not to say you shouldn’t exercise caution when in public places. We suggest avoiding any public display of affection (PDA) or anything you think may draw unnecessary attention. Not just for the purpose of the law, but for the sake of being respectful. (I will touch even more on understanding local cultures and social opinions below.)

On the other hand, some LGBT travelers may not want to even visit countries where these legislations exist. and that’s understandable. but Asia is a huge continent.

To put things into perspective, out of the 72 countries that still criminalize homosexuality, just 10 are in Asia (outside the middle east and Russia). That implies that even if you wished to boycott the countries where anti-gay legislations are in place, close to 80% of Asia is yours for the taking.

Personally, we don’t have an issue going to countries where homosexuality is illegal. We’ve spent a lot of time in the past two years in Malaysia, for example, where Islamic law prevails, and we thoroughly delighted in it. (Pristine beaches, delectable cuisine, dynamic culture — what’s not to love?)

In the larger cities, such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang, we found a buzzing LGBT community. and we even illegally went to a spectacular drag show!

So I guess what I’m trying to say is: you don’t need to dismiss traveling in Asia for the sake of a few old-fashioned laws. Gay travel there is way too much fun for that!

Here are a few resources to help you research local laws:

The international Lesbian and Gay association – Their world map summarizes sexual orientation legislations by country.

Human Dignity count on – This site has fact sheets on countries that criminalize homosexuality.

State Sponsored Homophobia report – check out their 2017 world survey for a list of sexual orientation laws.

Tip 2: understand the local culture

Understanding and respecting the local culture in each place you visit is just as — if not much more — essential than the first tip.なんで? Well, think about it: you’re going to spend way much more time in the company of residents than you are around law enforcement officers. comprehending the social opinion of locals could save you a lot of awkwardness and funny looks in the long run.

You see, what we found is that even in some countries where homosexuality is legal, it stコミュニティのays taboo。これは、宗教的信念、主題に関する教育の欠如、または場合によっては普通の偏見のためである可能性があります。



















Googleの簡単な検索では、すべての奇妙な楽しみがどこにあるかがわかりますが、Travel Gay Asiaは、あらゆる都市でLGBTに優しいエリアを見つけるための傑出したサイトです。




ソーシャルメディアを使用して、お住まいの地域の他のLGBT旅行者や地元の人々を見つけることをお勧めします。 Facebookはこれに最適なプラットフォームです。簡単な検索により、お住まいの地域のLGBTグループの結果が得られます。同様に、Instagramで特定のハッシュタグをナビゲートします#gaybangkokや#LGBTASIAなど、近くのLGBTをすべて見つけるのに役立ちます。
















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